The trail of Maxwell Lord's would-be killer has brought Wonder Woman face to face with her newest, deadliest foe! Liar Liar is back and ready for round two against the woman she blames for her damaged relationship with her father. But Diana has learned a thing or two since their last encounter, and this time our hero is headed straight into the heart of Liar Liar's sick delusions. It's the final chapter of the "Saga of Lords," and you won't want to miss it!The Hollywood Gods reveal why the once-famous Vivian Clarke was blacklisted, and Klaus sees a side of Vivian that scares even him. Business is booming at the underground vampire amusement park-funhouse mirrors don't really work for the undead, but the bobbing-for-apples-in-blood-station is a hit. The vampire chimp boss discovers that Klaus could serve him better alive than dead.