The AR18, which was made in the United States during the Cold War, was created with the aim of being a popular version of the state-of-the-art M16 (AR15) rifle used by the U.S. military at the time. In contrast to the M16 body, which requires cutting of forged aluminum, the AR18 body can be made by pressing a steel plate. The AR18 also uses a more orthodox piston type using gas pressure, as opposed to the M16's gas direct injection type. The AR18 was not adopted in large numbers, but its design concept and structure had many excellent points, which had a great influence on the development of later rifles. Guns such as Germany's G36, Belgium's F2000, the U.S.A.'s ACR and more have been a result of that influence; countries such as Japan and the U.K. are also licensed to produce the AR18. Despite its small number, it is an integral part of the history of firearms, and is considered by many to be a hidden masterpiece.
This "Little Armory" kit from Tomytec accurately reproduces the AR18's shape, and features abundant selection parts! Both the stock and dust cover can be opened and closed with parts replacement, and three types of dedicated magazine are included: 20, 30 and 40. A dedicated scope or dot sight can also be selected.