ADAM WARLOCK: In the Infinity Gauntlet saga, the leader of the Soulworld Adam Warlock joins a group of heroes to help thwart Thanos's schemes
COSMIC COMIC INSPIRATION: Collectible Adam Warlock figure is inspired by the character's appearance at the conclusion of Marvel's Infinity Gauntlet (1991) comic miniseries
MARVEL COMICS-INSPIRED ACCESSORIES: Officially licensed Hasbro Marvel Legends set comes with 5 accessories, including plastic comic book accessory, alternate hands, iconic staff, and Infinity Gauntlet
SCALE COMIC ACCESSORY: The figure comes with a 6-inch scale plastic comic book accessory featuring the cover of Infinity Gauntlet #1 (1991), the series that inspired its deco
Includes figure and 5 pieces.
Figure scale: 6 inches (15 cm)